
Campaign Title: Lotsa Data Losta Fun
Number of Tables: 564 Tables
Number of Locations: 14 Locations

Campaign Title: Lotsa Data Losta Fun

Number of Tables: 564 Tables

Number of Locations: 14 locations

Campaign Duration: 3 months

Description: With 564 tabletop ads across 14 coffeeshops, Boom Town Ads is able to help RedOne reach their target audience through our Coffeeshop Network amidst the pandemic. RedOne advertised their mobile plans and integrated a QR code within the artwork to make it even more convenient for interested users to find out more about the existing mobile plans and promotions, driving higher traffic to their website.

Uncle Leong Seafood

Campaign Title: Reward your invisible hero with Uncle Leong Seafood Father’s Day Set Menu
Campaign Duration: 1 week

Campaign Title: Reward your invisible hero with Uncle Leong Seafood Father’s Day Set Menu

Number of Screens: 200

Number of Locations: 4 Locations

Campaign Duration: 1 week

Description: Reach your target audience from the largest lift media network in Singapore. This Father’s Day, Uncle Leong Seafood featured their sumptuous local dishes on 200 digital media screens in strategic locations, to drive traffic to 3 nearby outlets in Punggol, Anchorpoint, and Toa Payoh. The high frequency of ad impressions from these screens leads to a stronger brand recall, increasing the overall brand retention on their target audience. A QR code was also featured as a Call-To-Action, directing all interested parties to their online store for exciting promotions.